Monday, March 12, 2012


This weather is so amazing and it's making me feel crafty! My goal for the next two weeks is to make at least 3 spring crafts. I am so obsessed with Pinterest, I basically have an addiction, and they have so many cute spring decorations that are easy to make. Might as well call me Susie Homemaker! 

Warm weather also makes me want to go camping, be in love, go on vacation to somewhere tropical, go on bike rides, swim, play basketball, go on hikes, and draw on sidewalks with chalk. I can't wait to do all of these things!

This weekend my pal Rachelle was home for Spring Break, so we spent basically 48 hours straight together. It was romantic. In a friendly way. 


Last weekend Megan and I went out to sing some Karaoke, it was soo funny. We sang to Britney Spears, and threw down some Lil' Wayne. It was 2 legit 2 quit.


It has been so much easier to eat healthy since Megan is doing it too. I started doing Herbalife (which is the best thing I have tried...EVER), and Megan has been finding so many healthy recipes and is such a good cook! Seriously I thought Herbalife was a sham, but I decided to just give it a try. I just finished my first month, and while I only lost about 5 pounds, I lost TONS of inches. The ultimate compliment is when people start telling you that you look thinner, it's the nicest thing anyone could ever say to me! Seeing my body change is definitely keeping me motivated, and I would recommend Herbalife to anyone that wants to see serious results!

Megan discovered this delicious stuff called Spaghetti Squash. Last Sunday she was making dinner for us, and while it was cooking in the microwave we heard a huge bang! We ran over and opened the microwave, and we discovered that the squash was a little over cooked...

aka Squash Explosion!
It was still delicious though. Megan is so good to me.

We also bought Zumba for the Kinect a little over a week ago, and we have played almost every single night because we love it so much. It is seriously an intense work out. After just one song you are already drippin sweat! Try playing like 10 songs in a row. Yeah, it's death.

I found this funny picture that is a good example of what we look like while playing Zumba.

So we'll see how my crafts turn out this week. I'm also going to visit my Padre in Arizona next Wednesday so I'll have lots of fun and exciting pictures/stories to share when I get back.

One of my FB friends posted this quote yesterday, and I love it:

 "The truth is, everyone is going to hurt you. You just gotta find the ones worth suffering for." 
-Bob Marley

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

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