Saturday, January 28, 2012


Let me just start of by saying how much I love Kings of Leon. I am obsessed with their music. Whenever I'm upset or in a bad mood, I listen to them and I'm instantly happy!

Well my New Years goal of eating healthy is going pretty well, and I'm closer to my weight goal each week! I feel so much better when I don't eat fast food and grease every day. I have more energy, and it gives me motivation to work out and continue eating healthy. Althought I confess that I have cheated more than I should, but sometimes I just need unhealthy food to satisfy my tastebuds! 

Each morning for breakfast I make myself a green smoothie, which sounds gross, but is actually the most delicious thing ever. It usually consists of: spinach, non-fat honey greek yogurt, orange or apple juice, and various frozen fruits. You can put as much spinach as you want in it, and you can't even taste it!
Best discovery ever.

School started January 9th, and I'm taking 6 credits this semester. I feel like I'm a pretty busy girl. During the week all I really do is sleep, eat, work, and go to school. It's an exciting life. Not. Haha 

A couple months ago my roommate Megan and I decided we needed some entertainment in our living room. She bought a new TV, and I bought an Xbox and Kinect. With the Kinect we also got Dance Central and Just Dance 3. They are probably the funnest most exciting games ever! I could play them all day, and it's kind've a workout if you dance long enough. I played every night for one week straight, that's how much I love it.

When Rachelle is residing in Logan, and I don't see her for many moons, I like to send her cute pictures of myself. This one is my cutest so far.

If I keep these good looks up, I'll have at least a million boyfriends in no time at all!

I would also like to say that I think it's sad when people start dating someone, and then they forget about everyone else in the world. I know I did this for a long time, but being on the outside has given me great perspective! It's good to have a balance between your lover and your friends. When I was acting like this I missed out on a lot, and lost a few great friendships. If someone really cares about you, they will realize that you both need time with your friends, and it's healthy to not be obsessed with each other 24/7! Just because you find someone you love doesn't mean you should cut all communcation with your friends.
 My ultimate pet peeve is when girls can't do ANYTHING without their boyfriends. They can't talk to you, hang out with you, or even think without them. Luckily I pulled my head out and saw how disgusting it really is. No offense to anyone that does this, I just think it's dumb.

Well this has definitely been the most random post ever. But it's basically a summary of my life this month. I need to blog more!

The End.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

New Year's Resolutions

Every year I always make a list of goals or resolutions that I want to accomplish. After about a week I usually end up forgetting about them. I decided to blog about my resolutions so that it will remind me to actually follow through this year!

#1 My number one, and most important goal this year, is to become closer to Heavenly Father, and start living a more righteous life. I have been inactive for about 6 years, and am ready to change that! It's crazy to think that I used to be such a good LDS girl, but that changed a little bit when my parents got divorced.
My goal is to try and go to church EVERY Sunday, pray daily, and read the Book of Mormon by the end of the year. All these things will eventually result in accomplishing an even bigger goal of mine, to be married in the Temple.

#2 I am going to start living a healthier and active lifestyle. I am going to limit the fast food I eat, and start eating 3 balanced, healthy meals everyday! I also am going to exercise at least 3 times a week, and my ultimate goal is to lose 20 pounds.

This picture is what motivated me to start eating better and exercising more. Seriously, this freaks me out!

#3 Be more creative, and make lots of cute crafts!

#4 Keep a diary, and write in it at least once a week.

#5 Try to be a better friend, and not gossip as much (it's one of my biggest weaknesses).

#6 Excel in school, and figure out what I want my major to be.

#7 Go on at least 3 vacations.

#8 Start being on time. I am late to EVERYTHING! It's terrible.

That's about all I've got so far, but I want to continue making and accomplishing goals through out this year. I have been good about working towards my goals this year so far, but it's only been 4 days haha.

The other night I was thinking about all the people that are getting married, finishing school, and even having babies. It made me realize how important it is to get your life on the right track and achieve your personal goals, because you never know where life is going to take you! 

I also want to give a shout out to my BFF Rachelle Webb. She has been my friend for almost 10 years, and I love her so much! She has been home this past month from school for Winter Break, and we have hung out more this month than we have in probably a few years. She is the best friend a girl could ask for! But for real, I am probably going to cry when she goes back on Monday. I'm depressed. Love you baby G!